Includes the manufacturer/processor type, processor speed, number of processors, threads, and number of processes.
Move mouse over this column for each row to display additional information,
including; manufacturer, system name, interconnect, MPI, affiliation, and submission date.
Run Type
Run Type, indicates whether the benchmark was a base run or was optimized.
Processors, this is the number of processors used in the benchmark, entered in the form by the benchmark submitter.
G-HPL ( system performance )
HPL, Solves a randomly generated dense linear system of equations in double
floating-point precision (IEEE 64-bit) arithmetic
using MPI. The linear system matrix is stored in a two-dimensional block-cyclic
fashion and multiple variants of code
are provided for computational kernels and communication patterns.
The solution method is LU factorization through Gaussian elimination with
partial row pivoting followed by a backward substitution.
Unit: Tera Flops per Second
G-PTRANS (A=A+B^T, MPI) ( system performance )
PTRANS (A=A+B^T, MPI), Implements a parallel matrix transpose for two-dimensional block-cyclic
storage. It is an important benchmark
because it exercises the communications of the computer heavily on a realistic
problem where pairs of processors communicate
with each other simultaneously. It is a useful test of the total communications
capacity of the network.
Unit: Giga Bytes per Second
G-RandomAccess ( system performance )
Global RandomAccess, also called GUPs, measures the rate at which the computer can update
pseudo-random locations
of its memory - this rate is expressed in billions (giga) of updates per second
(GUP/s). Unit: Giga Updates per Second
EP-STREAM Triad ( per process )
The Embarrassingly Parallel STREAM benchmark is a simple synthetic
benchmark program that measures sustainable memory
bandwidth and the corresponding computation rate for simple numerical vector kernels. It
is run in embarrassingly parallel
manner - all computational processes perform the benchmark at the same time, the
arithmetic average rate is reported. Unit: Giga Bytes per Second
EP-STREAM-sys ( system performance - derived )
The Embarrassingly Parallel STREAM benchmark is a simple synthetic
benchmark program that measures sustainable memory
bandwidth and the corresponding computation rate for simple numerical vector kernels. It
is run in embarrassingly parallel
manner - all computational processes perform the benchmark at the same time, the
arithmetic average rate is multiplied by the number of processes to attain this derived value.
( EP-STREAM Triad * MPI Processes )
Unit: Giga Bytes per Second
EP-DGEMM ( per process )
Embarrassingly Parallel DGEMM, benchmark measures the floating-point execution rate of double precision real matrix-matrix multiply
performed by the DGEMM subroutine from the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). It is run in embarrassingly
parallel manner - all computational processes perform the benchmark at the same time, the arithmetic average rate is
reported. Unit: Giga Flops per Second
G-FFT ( system performance )
Global FFT, performs the same test as FFT but across the entire system by
distributing the input vector in block fashion across all the processes.
Unit: Giga Flops per Second
Randomly Ordered Ring Bandwidth ( per process )
Randomly Ordered Ring Bandwidth, reports bandwidth achieved in the ring
communication pattern. The communicating processes are ordered randomly in the
ring (with respect to the natural ordering of the MPI default communicator).
The result is averaged over various random assignments of processes in the
ring. Unit: Giga Bytes per second
Randomly-Ordered Ring Latency ( per process )
Randomly-Ordered Ring Latency, reports latency in the ring communication
pattern. The communicating processes are ordered randomly in the ring (with respect to the
natural ordering of the MPI default communicator) in the ring. The result
is averaged over various random assignments of processes in the ring. Unit: micro-seconds
Geometric mean
Geometric mean of normalized results
for G-HPL, G-RandomAccess, EP-STREAM-Sys, and G-FFT.
These are the four performance results which are featured
in the HPCC Awards. The normalization is done independently
for each column rather than against a single machine's
results. Consequently, the value of mean will change
over time as faster machines appear in the HPCC database.
Unit: unitless
Note: Blank fields in the table above are from early benchmark runs that did not include that individual benchmark, in particular G-RandomAccess, G-FFTE and EP-DGEMM.
Solves a randomly generated dense linear system of equations in double
floating-point precision (IEEE 64-bit) arithmetic
using MPI. The linear system matrix is stored in a two-dimensional block-cyclic
fashion and multiple variants of code
are provided for computational kernels and communication patterns.
The solution method is LU factorization through Gaussian elimination with
partial row pivoting followed by a backward substitution.
Unit: Tera Flops per Second
Implements a parallel matrix transpose for two-dimensional block-cyclic
storage. It is an important benchmark
because it exercises the communications of the computer heavily on a realistic
problem where pairs of processors communicate
with each other simultaneously. It is a useful test of the total communications
capacity of the network.
Unit: Giga Bytes per Second
Global RandomAccess, also called GUPs, measures the rate at which the computer can update
pseudo-random locations
of its memory - this rate is expressed in billions (giga) of updates per second
Unit: Giga Updates per Second
Global FFT performs the same test as FFT but across the entire system by
distributing the input vector in block fashion across all the processes.
Unit: Giga Flops per Second
The Embarrassingly Parallel STREAM benchmark is a simple synthetic
benchmark program that measures sustainable memory
bandwidth and the corresponding computation rate for simple numerical vector kernels. It
is run in embarrassingly parallel
manner - all computational processes perform the benchmark at the same time, the
arithmetic average rate is reported. Unit: Giga Bytes per Second
The Embarrassingly Parallel STREAM benchmark is a simple synthetic
benchmark program that measures sustainable memory
bandwidth and the corresponding computation rate for simple numerical vector kernels. It
is run in embarrassingly parallel
manner - all computational processes perform the benchmark at the same time, the
arithmetic average rate is multiplied by the number of processes for this value.
( EP-STREAM Triad * MPI Processes )
Unit: Giga Bytes per Second
EP-DGEMM ( per process )
The Embarrassingly Parallel DGEMM benchmark measures the floating-point execution rate
of double precision real matrix-matrix multiply performed by the DGEMM subroutine
from the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). It is run in embarrassingly parallel
manner - all computational processes perform the benchmark at the same time, the
arithmetic average rate is reported. Unit: Giga Flops per Second
Geometric mean of normalized results
for G-HPL, G-RandomAccess, EP-STREAM-Sys, and G-FFT.
These are the four performance results which are featured
in the HPCC Awards. The normalization is done independently
for each column rather than against a single machine's
results. Consequently, the value of mean will change
over time as faster machines appear in the HPCC database.
Unit: unitless
Randomly Ordered Ring Bandwidth, reports bandwidth achieved in the ring
communication pattern. The communicating processes are ordered randomly in the
ring (with respect to the natural ordering of the MPI default communicator).
The result is averaged over various random assignments of processes in the
ring. Unit: Giga Bytes per second
Randomly-Ordered Ring Latency, reports latency in the ring communication
pattern. The communicating processes are ordered randomly in the ring (with respect to the
natural ordering of the MPI default communicator) in the ring. The result
is averaged over various random assignments of processes in the ring. Unit: micro-seconds