HPC Challenge - Benchmark Results Submission Form
Please fill out all fields below and be sure to include your benchmark results. Your benchmark results should not have been edited or modified in any way. You will be sent an email to the address entered below containing an URL that you will be required to visit to confirm your submission. (Your submission will not be entered into the database unless this step is taken.) Thank you.
First name: help?
Last name: help?
Email address: help?
Machine Location: help?
City: help?
( optional )
Institution/Affiliation: help?
( eg. University of Tennessee )
Institution/Affiliation URL: help?
( eg. https://icl.utk.edu/ )
Manufacturer/Integrator: help?
System name: help?
( eg. X1, SP2, Origin 2000, SuperDome )
Theoretical peak: help?
(of processors used for benchmark, in Tflop/s)
Processor type(s): help?
Other Processor [not listed above]: help?
Processor clock frequency: help?
(in GHz)
Cores per chip: help?
Number of processors used in benchmark: help?
Total number of processors in system: help?
Threads used per MPI process: help?
Total memory of system: help?
(in GiB)
Interconnection network: help?
(eg. Myrinet 2000)
Interconnect manufacturer: help?
(eg. Myricom)
Compiler: help?
(eg. gcc 2.95.3)
Compiler Flags: help?
(eg. -03)
MPI name and version: help?
(eg. MPICH
BLAS name and version: help?
(eg. Atlas 3.4.1)
FFT library names and versions: (optional) help?
(serial: UHFFT 2.0; parallel: FFTW 2.1.5)
Operating system: help?
(eg. Redhat Linux 9.0)
System's primary use: help?
Type of run: Base Optimized (source has been changed) help?
If Optimized:
(Explain optimizations, a base run needs to be submitted before submitting an optimized run)
Parent submission ID:
(from prior submission)
(eg. 123)
Benchmark Results' File to be uploaded: help?


This effort is being funded by the DARPA IPTO
Jun 23 2022 Contact: Admin Login